Nightly Irrigation Guidance Comes to GreenKeeper App

It's always a tough call. Should we irrigate tonight or stretch it another day? Make the wrong decision and you'll be hand-watering wilt tomorrow afternoon. So you decide to water, but how many minutes are required? Over-watering not only wastes water and money, but...

One Easy Task Will Transform Your Management Program

I can assure you that this simple task, taking less than one minute each day, will provide valuable insight that directly impacts agronomic decisions. It is the most valuable piece of data that I collect, and it’s my biggest pet peeve when it’s skipped. This measurement predicts putting green performance, helps schedule mowing and topdressing frequency, and guides PGR and nitrogen application rates. It also helps me manage high and low performing greens differently. Still, there are a lot of questions about how to collect, log and use the data. This short article will help answer those questions.

Experience GreenKeeper CIS at the GCSAA Conference and Trade Show

Are you interested in GreenKeeper App but don’t know where to start? Maybe you’re curious about GreenKeeper CIS and want try it at your course. Join our GreenKeeper team at the GCSAA Conference and Trade Show in Phoenix.

Making the Case for GPS Sprayer Technology

Access to GPS-equipped technologies have exploded in the turfgrass management industry over the past decade. These technologies monitor soil moisture, measure turf health, and improve application precision. The rise of GPS-enabled sprayers offer the potential to...

Revamped GreenKeeper University Enhances Flexibility

To add flexibility for students around the world, GreenKeeper University classes has moved to a self-paced, asynchronous, delivery system. Students gain immediate access to the course after they enroll and have no time limit to complete the course content.

A New Era in Wetting Agent Programming

There are literally hundreds of soil wetting agents in the turfgrass management industry. Some are marketed to retain water while others to move it. Some claim to increase surface firmness while others supposedly reduce firmness. Labeled re-application intervals range...

What are shapefiles anyways?

Geospatial data is becoming increasingly important to turf managers. These data link observations and measurements to specific locations (latitude/longitude).  Examples include locating the position of pests and problem areas, mapping irrigation head and value...

GreenKeeper University Now Self-Paced

Advance your turf management knowledge at your pace with GreenKeeper University. Our team of renowned turfgrass professors, researchers and practitioners have moved to our courses to a 100% self-paced format. This means students can enroll in courses at any time and...

Measure & Predict Organic Matter in GreenKeeper

Management of soil organic matter (SOM) accumulation is a primary concern for turf managers. Cultivation practices including topdressing, aeration, verticutting and DryJect sand injection are used to manage SOM, but how often are these practices required? GreenKeeper App now support loss-on-ignition SOM determination at three different depths (OM246). Those results are then used to predict SOM accumulation over the next three years.

Realize the Power of Precision with GreenKeeper CIS

Superintendents and field managers need to hold a mental map of their property in their heads. They know which spots are first to wilt, where disease pressure is highest, and the locations of perennial pests requiring preventative treatment. Those observations are...
What are shapefiles anyways?

What are shapefiles anyways?

Geospatial data is becoming increasingly important to turf managers. These data link observations and measurements to specific locations (latitude/longitude).  Examples include locating the position of pests and problem areas, mapping irrigation head and value...

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GreenKeeper University Now Self-Paced

GreenKeeper University Now Self-Paced

Advance your turf management knowledge at your pace with GreenKeeper University. Our team of renowned turfgrass professors, researchers and practitioners have moved to our courses to a 100% self-paced format. This means students can enroll in courses at any time and...

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Measure & Predict Organic Matter in GreenKeeper

Measure & Predict Organic Matter in GreenKeeper

Management of soil organic matter (SOM) accumulation is a primary concern for turf managers. Cultivation practices including topdressing, aeration, verticutting and DryJect sand injection are used to manage SOM, but how often are these practices required? GreenKeeper App now support loss-on-ignition SOM determination at three different depths (OM246). Those results are then used to predict SOM accumulation over the next three years.

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Realize the Power of Precision with GreenKeeper CIS

Realize the Power of Precision with GreenKeeper CIS

Superintendents and field managers need to hold a mental map of their property in their heads. They know which spots are first to wilt, where disease pressure is highest, and the locations of perennial pests requiring preventative treatment. Those observations are...

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Simplify Your EOP Planning

Simplify Your EOP Planning

Love it or hate it, Early Order Program season has returned. Personally, l’m relieved to have survived another hot Nebraska summer. The last thing I want to think about is the plan for next year. Still, the discounts, rebates and rewards can be tough to pass up each...

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August Sugar Lows

August Sugar Lows

It’s the middle August and many turfgrass plants are feeling as tired as their turfgrass managers. The recent extreme heat is taxing cool-season grasses like ryegrass, bluegrasses and bentgrass while summer weeds like goosegrass, foxtail and crabgrass are thriving....

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